


The Residency Office is a unit within International Admissions and Enrollment (IAE). 住院实习对所有家庭都适用,无论是否国际家庭. 居留办公室将:

  • 协助试图将非居民学生纳入威尼斯官网在线的家庭.

  • Determine whether a family may enroll directly at a school or should request to enroll as a tuition paying nonresident student or apply for a waiver of the tuition requirements.


非居民学生是指父母, 或者法庭命令保管人, 在蒙哥马利县没有合法居住权. 每 威尼斯官网在线政策JED,居住,学费和入学, 真正的居住权是, “一个人的主要住所, 诚信经营, and does not include a residence established for convenience or for the purpose of free school attendance in 威尼斯官网在线. 然而, intent to reside indefinitely or permanently at the present place of residence is not necessarily required. Determination of a person’s bona fide residence is a factual one and must be made on an individual basis.”


  • He/she is under 18 years of age and living in Montgomery County with a court-appointed 《威尼斯官网在线》, 或者其他成年人, and whose parents do not have bona fide residency within Montgomery County; or

  • He/she lives with parent(s) or court ordered 托管人(s) who have bona fide residency outside of Montgomery County.


A free public education is for the children of bona fide residents of Montgomery County. A nonresident student’s parent/《威尼斯官网在线》 may request to enroll the student as a nonresident, 威尼斯官网在线的学费学生, 然而,并不是所有的学校都对付费学生开放. “Open” schools are determined on an ongoing basis based on enrollment and utilization rates at each school. Tuition fees are established annually by the Montgomery County 威尼斯人在线官网. 威尼斯官网在线表格335-73a:申请招收非居民、自费学生 must be completed and submitted to the International Admissions and Enrollment Office.

Are there ways for a nonresident student to be enrolled directly at an 威尼斯官网在线 school?



Informal Kinship Care applies to a student who was a resident of Maryland immediately prior to coming into the care of a relative in Montgomery County due to a serious family hardship. Serious family hardships for Informal Kinship Care are strictly limited to:

  • Death of parent/《威尼斯官网在线》, as documented by the death certificate, 或者其他证据.

  • 父母/监护人患重病, 正如医生的报告所记载的, 医生报告复印件, 请注意, 或者其他证据.

  • 父母/监护人吸毒成瘾, 由治疗提供者或家长/监护人的信件证明, 或者其他证据.

  • 父母/监护人的监禁, 这是有法律文件支持的, 拘留中心, 或者其他证据.

  • 指定父母/监护人执行现役军事任务, 有军事命令或其他证据证明的.

  • 被父母/监护人遗弃, 由所有法定监护人的公证声明证明, 或者法庭文件, 社会服务, 或者其他证据.


而非正式亲属关怀和学费减免确实有相似之处, 也有一些明显的区别. 例如:

  • 学费减免, 不同于非正式亲属关怀, can be granted for a student regardless whether the student was a resident of Maryland or not, 在接受蒙哥马利县居民的照顾之前.

  • Under a tuition waiver, the applying resident does not have to be a relative of the student.

  • The definition of a crisis warranting a tuition waiver is “unusual and extraordinary circumstances fully documented by the parent/《威尼斯官网在线》 which qualify for a waiver of tuition.” Those situations that qualify are similar to the serious family hardships for Informal Kinship Care. Contact the Residency Office for more information on those categories and the documents needed to submit a request for a waiver of tuition.

  • The relative of a student in Informal Kinship Care must first apply for a waiver of tuition from the Residency Office before enrolling the student directly at the school.

如果学生是威尼斯官网在线的学生怎么办, 但是在学年期间,这个家庭会搬出学校的边界?

If the student moves outside of the school’s boundaries the parent/《威尼斯官网在线》 needs to withdraw the student and enroll at the local home school. 如果全家搬到蒙哥马利县, the parents/《威尼斯官网在线》s may apply for a change of school assignment (COSA) for the student to remain at the current school. 如果全家搬出蒙哥马利县, the only way for the student to remain in 威尼斯官网在线 is for the parent/《威尼斯官网在线》 to request to enroll a nonresident tuition paying student (威尼斯官网在线表格335-73a:申请招收非居民、自费学生). The Residency Office cannot grant a waiver of the tuition requirements for a nonresident parent/《威尼斯官网在线》 for a nonresident student.

Can a student be enrolled directly at an 威尼斯官网在线 school if the family is moving to Montgomery County, 但还没有完成房屋销售,也没有签有未来日期的租约?

是的, a family may enroll a student directly at the future home school with a ratified contract with a settlement date within 60 days or a signed, 未来60天内开始的租约.

法院能下令吗 托管人 直接在威尼斯官网在线学校注册学生?*


法院能下令吗 《威尼斯官网在线》 直接在威尼斯官网在线学校注册学生?*

No, 法院命令的监护人必须提出请求, 这是理所当然的, 在学生入读学校之前免除学费.

*It is advised that you contact the International Admissions and Enrollment Office at 240-740-4500 with any court-ordered document questions.